Tag Archives: fathers

Why Feminist Tosha Schore Became an Advocate for Boys

Having sons forced Tosha Schore to reevaluate everything she knew about boys. Schore, the daughter of a single mom, grew up stepped in the women’s movement. As a  child, she attended marches and rallies for women’s rights and, in college, she majored in Women’s Studies. She was pregnant with her first child and sidelined with … Continue reading Why Feminist Tosha Schore Became an Advocate for Boys

Help Boys Listen & Learn (Listener Q & A)

How do we help boys listen & learn?  In month whatever of the pandemic, we’re all grappling with a lot of tough questions, including what to do about school and injustice and inequality. We can’t give you any easy answers regarding schooling during  the cornonavirus pandemic or the fight for equality and justice. There aren’t … Continue reading Help Boys Listen & Learn (Listener Q & A)

Raising Boys to be Good Men

We all want to raise good men. But how? It’s one thing to WANT To raise good men, and another to figure out what that means on a daily basis. Exactly HOW do we raise good men? Aaron Gouveia is the author of Raising Boys to be Good Men: A Parent’s Guide to Bringing Up … Continue reading Raising Boys to be Good Men

Supporting Boys’ Interests

Supporting boys’ interests is essential, especially in a world that so often tells them their interests are unwelcome. Wanna wrestle? Don’t; you might hurt someone. Wanna dance? Don’t; that’s for girls. Restrained by stereotypes, gender expectations and parents and teachers who prefer boys who sit down and take direction without comment or complaint, too may … Continue reading Supporting Boys’ Interests

Dads Speak on Father’s Day

Dads are so important! We can’t talk about raising boys without also talking about the men who help create and parent them. Dad were boys long before they were fathers, and they understand boyhood and the path to manhood in a way we never will. So, this Father’s Day, we turned the mic over to … Continue reading Dads Speak on Father’s Day

Single Parenting w Wealthy Single Mommy Emma Johnson

There are 10 million single moms in the United States. Many are raising boys. And despite the naysayers, many are doing a great job! Is single parenting difficult, especially during a pandemic? Absolutely. But single moms have more power and potential than they realize, says Emma Johnson, aka Wealthy Single Mommy. Johnson, a single mom … Continue reading Single Parenting w Wealthy Single Mommy Emma Johnson

Raising Boys in an Era of Girl Power (Listener Q & A)

Raising boys brings up all kinds of questions. No matter how long you’ve been parenting, educating or working with boys, you’re bound to stumble into a situation that you don’t quite know how to handle — on a weekly basis. At least. In this listener Q & A, we tackle some evergreen questions. Jen also … Continue reading Raising Boys in an Era of Girl Power (Listener Q & A)

Understanding Male Development: Baby Boys & Toddlers

Baby boys’ testosterone levels are nearly the same as teenage boys’. But for the first few weeks after conception, well, there’s no discernible difference between a male embryo and a female embryo. The testosterone surge that occurs in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy is responsible for the cascade of developmental changes that what … Continue reading Understanding Male Development: Baby Boys & Toddlers

Helping Boys Grow Into Healthy Men (w Ted Bunch)

How can we help our boys grow into healthy men? Ted Bunch, chief development officer of A Call to Men, says he thinks that the key is to support our boys as they become their authentic selves. “I think the biggest challenge for us is really allowing our boys to show us, say to us … Continue reading Helping Boys Grow Into Healthy Men (w Ted Bunch)

Boys and Sex with Peggy Orenstein

Talking about boys and sex can be uncomfortable. But if want our boys (and girls and non-binary children) to have healthy, safe, fulfilling sexual relationships, it’s essential. And there’s the hitch, right? A lot of us don’t even want to think about our children having sexual relationships — and when we do talk to our kids … Continue reading Boys and Sex with Peggy Orenstein