Tag Archives: body image

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle There’s a connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) & muscle dysmorphia, which is a strong desire to bulk up your body. According to new research by Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor … Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Masculinity, Fatherhood, & Man Up

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle What do college students think about masculinity? About fatherhood? About the trauma & violence faced by men in society? Kevin Roy, a family science professor at the University of Maryland (& … Continue reading Masculinity, Fatherhood, & Man Up

Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Body image concerns and eating disorders affect boys too.  As many as 75% of adolescent boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. 3% are now using steroids in an attempt to … Continue reading Body Image, Eating Disorders, & Boys

Helping Boys Develop Healthy Body Image

How can we help boys develop healthy body image?  That’s not a question parents of boys asked in previous generations. Girls, parents thought, were the ones at risk for body dissatisfaction, given the constant onslaught of heavily stylized (and often Photoshopped) images of impossibly perfect and thin women featured in magazines, movies, and TV shows. … Continue reading Helping Boys Develop Healthy Body Image

Sports & Masculinity

Sports and masculinity have long been intertwined. For a long time, boys and men were the only ones who were allowed to play sports. Athletic fields and locker rooms were seen as places where boys became men. We’ve seen where that can lead. We’ve seen little boys & teenagers told to “man up!”, “rub some … Continue reading Sports & Masculinity

Boys Get Eating Disorders Too

Males represent 25-40% of individuals with eating disorders. That’s not something people tell us when our boys are babies, and it’s not something most pediatricians mention at well-child checks — despite the fact that males are at a higher risk of dying from an eating disorder than females. “We have this notion that only a … Continue reading Boys Get Eating Disorders Too

Decoding Boys with Dr. Cara Natterson

Wouldn’t it be great if boys came with a magic decoder ring to help you decode their mysteries and moods?  Dr. Cara Natterson’s book, Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons, is the next best thing. If you have boys, you’ll want to add this one to your bookshelf (or check … Continue reading Decoding Boys with Dr. Cara Natterson

Middle School Matters with Phyllis Fagell

“Middle school,” Phyillis Fagell says, “is a stew of simmering hormones, shifting relationships and increased expectations.” It’s also a time of massive confusion and overwhelm — for middle school boys and their parents. Phyllis Fagell is a school counselor and the author of Middle School Matters: The 10 Key Skills Kids Need to Thrive in Middle … Continue reading Middle School Matters with Phyllis Fagell