Category Archives: Health

Opioids & Narcan: What You Need to Know

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle If you think you don’t know anybody who takes opioids, have you asked? Those are the word of Julia Pinksy, an Oregon-based mom who lost her son to an opioid … Continue reading Opioids & Narcan: What You Need to Know

Real Talk About Fentanyl, Opioids, & Marijuana

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Like it or not, fentanyl, other opioids, and marijuana are part of our boys’ world. “It is very easy to get drugs on social media,” says Michelle Leopold, a mother … Continue reading Real Talk About Fentanyl, Opioids, & Marijuana

Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Modern male puberty starts earlier than you think. It may start as early as age 9 in boys – which means that the mood swings you’re seeing in your 10-year-old … Continue reading Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle There’s a connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) & muscle dysmorphia, which is a strong desire to bulk up your body. According to new research by Kyle Ganson, an assistant professor … Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Muscle Dysmorphia

Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Health education varies greatly from place to place. Some boys receive great, age-appropriate, inclusive health education at school. Others do not. “It’s pretty inconsistent,” says Christopher Pepper, a health educator … Continue reading Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

Boys, Babies, & Breastfeeding

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle What do boys need to know about birth, babies, and breastfeeding?  A lot more than we’re currently teaching them. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), … Continue reading Boys, Babies, & Breastfeeding

Managing Medical Expenses

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Medical expenses are a part of life.  (Particularly if you live in the United States!) Figuring out how to budget and pay for well-child checks, sports physicals, ER and urgent … Continue reading Managing Medical Expenses

Advanced Parenting with Dr. Kelly Fradin

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Advanced parenting may involve guiding a child through a mental health crisis. Or parenting a child with a chronic medical condition. Or both. It’s what parents must do when a … Continue reading Advanced Parenting with Dr. Kelly Fradin

Keeping Boys Safe

 .redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Keeping boys safe is a top-of-mind concern for parents. For good reason.  Injury is the leading cause of death for people ages 1-44 – especially for children.For kids ages … Continue reading Keeping Boys Safe

Parenting Through Health Challenges

Parenting inevitably includes health challenges. Kids get sick. Parents get sick. And injuries and accidents happen more often than we’d like. Learning how to manage a medical diagnosis — and navigate the health system — is a crucial parenting skill. “Boy mom” and COVID, cancer and heart failure survivor Jen Singer has more medical system … Continue reading Parenting Through Health Challenges