Talking to Tween & Teen Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Jonathon Reed has a lot of experience talking to tween & teen boys.  As a program manager with NextGenMen, a Canadian organization dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts … Continue reading Talking to Tween & Teen Boys

Keeping Boys Safe

 .redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Keeping boys safe is a top-of-mind concern for parents. For good reason.  Injury is the leading cause of death for people ages 1-44 – especially for children.For kids ages … Continue reading Keeping Boys Safe

Loving Someone With Suicidal Thoughts

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you can call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for help in the United States. Call 988 or 800-273-TALK (8255). … Continue reading Loving Someone With Suicidal Thoughts

More Wisdom from Teacher Tom

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Kids “haven’t changed at all” during the 20+ years Teacher Tom has been working with young children, he says. Parents have, though. And so has society. There’s an increased concern … Continue reading More Wisdom from Teacher Tom

Parental Accommodation & ADHD

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Parental accommodation can limit the skill development of kids with (and without) ADHD.  Many boys with ADHD or other executive function challenges struggle despite diagnosis, treatment, and well-intended help — … Continue reading Parental Accommodation & ADHD

Whole Child Sports: Alternative to Toxic Youth Sports Culture

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Whole child sports emphasizes wholesome, safe, and developmentally appropriate athletic experiences for kids. It is the antithesis of the toxic, highly competitive youth sports culture that’s unfortunately become the norm … Continue reading Whole Child Sports: Alternative to Toxic Youth Sports Culture

Lads Need Dads with Sonia Shaljean

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Lads need dads, says Sonia Shaljean, director of the UK-based organization Lads Need Dads, one of the only projects in the country working to proactively address the impact of the … Continue reading Lads Need Dads with Sonia Shaljean

Teen Boys’ Emotional Lives

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Teen boys mystify (and frustrate) their parents. Especially their moms. But there’s a lot going on behind and beneath that sometimes stony exterior. Teen boys are not devoid of emotions; … Continue reading Teen Boys’ Emotional Lives

Damon Brown Discusses Raising Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Damon Brown is a journalist, author, entrepreneur, and primary caregiver for his two young sons, ages 6 and 9. But from his earliest days of parenting, people assumed he was … Continue reading Damon Brown Discusses Raising Boys

Listener Q & A: Supporting Sibling Relationships, Finding Common Ground & More

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle How do you support sibling relationships and build brother-sister bonds? Or connect with a tween son? Those are just a few of the questions Jen & Janet tackle in 2023’s … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Supporting Sibling Relationships, Finding Common Ground & More