Tag Archives: gender

The Gender Equation in Schools

 Gender bias affects boys’ experience in schools. It’s most often unconscious and unintentional bias but it affects how our boys see themselves and how they feel about school and learning. And until we admit that fact and grapple with the gender equation in schools, things aren’t going to get much better. Educator Jason Ablin learned that … Continue reading The Gender Equation in Schools

Gender Norms Limit Boys (& Girls)

Gender norms still (and unnecessarily!) limit boys, says journalist Lisa Selin Davis, author of Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to be Different. Which may not be an accident, since gender norms (as we know them today) were essentially created to ensure that male children grew into straight, non-homosexual men. “The … Continue reading Gender Norms Limit Boys (& Girls)

Raising Next Gen Men

How do we raise next gen men — men who can thrive in the 21st century? “When you’re on a playground, you can’t yell, ‘Hey, Tommy, cut that hegemonic masculinity out!’” says Jake Stika, co-founder of Next Gen Men, a Canadian organization dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity. Parents, … Continue reading Raising Next Gen Men

Jack Kammer: Boys are Affected by Sexism Too

Jack Kammer says boys are affected by sexism too.  Boys and girls who engage in the same exact behavior may be treated very differently. And yet, when we fail to acknowledge that fact, we contribute to the gaslighting of our boys. Because the truth is that males and females both experience advantages AND disadvantages related … Continue reading Jack Kammer: Boys are Affected by Sexism Too

The Tyler Merritt Project on Helping Boys Survive Mistakes

Before he started The Tyler Merritt Project or created his viral video, Before You Call the Cops, Tyler Merritt was a confused, young black boy trying to make sense of all the expectations and stereotypes swirling around him. “I wish somebody had really sat down with me as a young person and simply said, ‘Hey, … Continue reading The Tyler Merritt Project on Helping Boys Survive Mistakes

Boy Moms as Boy Advocates

Boy moms make the most effective boy advocates.  That’s a lesson Gemma Gaudette learned early on. Gaudette, the host of Idaho Matters on Boise State Public Radio and the mom of 2 sons, ages 13 and 9, didn’t really understand the challenges boys face in the world until she had sons. Now, she believes that moms … Continue reading Boy Moms as Boy Advocates

The Musical Child with Joan Koenig

Is your son musical?  Yes, he is — even if hates singing, doesn’t play an instrument, and acts up in music class. Human beings are inherently musical creatures, according to Joan Koenig, author of The Musical Child: Using the Power of Music to Raise Children Who Are Happy, Healthy, and Whole. In her book, Joan … Continue reading The Musical Child with Joan Koenig

How to NOT Raise an A-Hole

When we become parents, someone really should hand us a book that details, exactly, how to NOT raise an a-hole.  Karen Alpert (of the blog Baby Sideburns), a mom of two and author of Mamas, Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up to be A-Holes: Unfiltered Advice on How to Raise Awesome Kids, recognizes that parents … Continue reading How to NOT Raise an A-Hole

How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

You may wonder, how do you raise a feminist son? Or you might be wondering, WHY would you raise a feminist son?  What if we phrased it this way: How do you raise boys who respect and value all humans? “The word feminist, all over the world, has taken on so many definitions and meanings,” … Continue reading How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

Why Feminist Tosha Schore Became an Advocate for Boys

Having sons forced Tosha Schore to reevaluate everything she knew about boys. Schore, the daughter of a single mom, grew up stepped in the women’s movement. As a  child, she attended marches and rallies for women’s rights and, in college, she majored in Women’s Studies. She was pregnant with her first child and sidelined with … Continue reading Why Feminist Tosha Schore Became an Advocate for Boys