Tag Archives: teens

Imperfect Men Can Build Boys Too

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Imperfect men helped Greg Hlavaty become a good guy.  “I think what saved me were men who stepped in as surrogate fathers,” Greg wrote in a recent essay. Those men … Continue reading Imperfect Men Can Build Boys Too

Navigating Youth Mental Health in the Digital Age

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle How can we support our boys’ well-being during a youth mental health crisis? How can we help them navigate life in this digital age? Katey McPherson has been working on these … Continue reading Navigating Youth Mental Health in the Digital Age

What’s the Goal of Youth Sports?

 .redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle What is the goal of youth sports?  It seems like an obvious question with an obvious answer. Isn’t the goal to provide kids with an opportunity to play sports? … Continue reading What’s the Goal of Youth Sports?

Jonathon Reed: To Connect with Boys, Listen

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle To connect with boys, you must first listen, says Jonathon Reed, program manager for NextGenMen. Societal expectations of boys & men are gradually shifting. These shifting narratives are part of … Continue reading Jonathon Reed: To Connect with Boys, Listen

Dr. Lisa Damour: Connecting with Teens

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Dr. Lisa Damour says that adults should consider the barriers boys face when it comes to emotional connection and expression.  “Gender is such a huge force in how emotion is … Continue reading Dr. Lisa Damour: Connecting with Teens

Brendan Kwiatkowski: Connecting w Teen Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Brendan Kwiatkowski knows that connecting with teenage boys requires understanding, patience, and a willingness to create a safe emotional space. Kwiatkowski, PhD, a renowned researcher specializing in boys’ emotions, experiences, … Continue reading Brendan Kwiatkowski: Connecting w Teen Boys

Listener Q & A: Getting Curious & Motivating Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle How, exactly, does one “get curious” about their son without badgering him? That’s a big, important question, and that’s exactly what Jennifer wants to know: Lately, as he is resisting … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Getting Curious & Motivating Boys

Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Modern male puberty starts earlier than you think. It may start as early as age 9 in boys – which means that the mood swings you’re seeing in your 10-year-old … Continue reading Modern Male Puberty is Awkward

Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle Health education varies greatly from place to place. Some boys receive great, age-appropriate, inclusive health education at school. Others do not. “It’s pretty inconsistent,” says Christopher Pepper, a health educator … Continue reading Christopher Pepper Discusses Health Education and Boys

Listener Q & A: Punishment, Teenage Boys, & Letting Go

.redcircle-link:link { color: #ea404d; text-decoration: none; } .redcircle-link:hover { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:active { color: #ea404d; } .redcircle-link:visited { color: #ea404d; } Powered by RedCircle How do you make space for a teenage boy to make his own mistakes? Especially when said teenager is frustrating, annoying, and contributing to family chaos? Sandra said: Teenager years … Continue reading Listener Q & A: Punishment, Teenage Boys, & Letting Go