Tag Archives: teenage boys

Navigating Race, Gender & Motherhood So White

Nefertiti Austin’s son was 6 yrs old when she realized he’d “have to learn that his race and gender could get him killed,” she writes in Motherhood So White: A Memoir of Race, Gender, and Parenting in America. That’s not a lesson white boys have to learn, and that’s one consequence of living in a … Continue reading Navigating Race, Gender & Motherhood So White

Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction Google that term and you’ll get 95 million results — and the first one is for an addiction treatment center. But is video game addiction really “a thing?” More importantly — what can parents do if they think their kid’s gaming is out of control? Step one, says Chris Ferguson, a psychology … Continue reading Video Game Addiction

How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

You may wonder, how do you raise a feminist son? Or you might be wondering, WHY would you raise a feminist son?  What if we phrased it this way: How do you raise boys who respect and value all humans? “The word feminist, all over the world, has taken on so many definitions and meanings,” … Continue reading How to Raise a Feminist Son with Sonora Jha

Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need

What words come to mind when you hear the phrase “teenage boys”? Messy? Stinky? Frustrating? Lazy? Moody? Dangerous? Teen boys can be all of those things. (So can teen girls!) But there’s also a lot more beneath the surface, and if we’re to effectively parent and educate our teen boys, we have to go deep. … Continue reading Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need