Tag Archives: shame

Sexual Abuse Affects Boys Too

Sexual abuse affects boys and men too. 1 in 6 boys will be a victim of sexual abuse before the age of 18. But, in part due to lingering shame and stigmas, many victims don’t disclose the abuse until years later (if at all). They suffer in silence. Court Stroud was one of those boys. … Continue reading Sexual Abuse Affects Boys Too

Raising Next Gen Men

How do we raise next gen men — men who can thrive in the 21st century? “When you’re on a playground, you can’t yell, ‘Hey, Tommy, cut that hegemonic masculinity out!’” says Jake Stika, co-founder of Next Gen Men, a Canadian organization dedicated to changing how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity. Parents, … Continue reading Raising Next Gen Men

To Raise a Boy (w Emma Brown)

In her new book To Raise a Boy, author Emma Brown writes, “This is what I want for my son as he grows up: the ability to be himself without paying a social penalty.”  [NOTE: This episode contains graphic descriptions of sexual violence from 16:30-21:30] That’s what we want too. And we get frustrated sometimes … Continue reading To Raise a Boy (w Emma Brown)

Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need

What words come to mind when you hear the phrase “teenage boys”? Messy? Stinky? Frustrating? Lazy? Moody? Dangerous? Teen boys can be all of those things. (So can teen girls!) But there’s also a lot more beneath the surface, and if we’re to effectively parent and educate our teen boys, we have to go deep. … Continue reading Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need

How Shame Harms Boys

What do you do if a teacher shames your son in front of the class?  For many parents, this is not an abstract question. Teachers, coaches, bus drivers and yes, even parents still use shame to shape kids’ behavior. Adults yell at children in front of their peers, berate them for a lack of effort, … Continue reading How Shame Harms Boys