Tag Archives: school

124: How to Help Your Boys Have a Great School Year

It’s back to school time!  But despite the smiley faces pictured in many back-to-school ads, the start of a new academic year doesn’t exactly generate feelings of enthusiasm and excitement in many boys (or their parents). For many families, back-to-school time is synonymous with dread, fear and anxiety. In fact, the number of boys who … Continue reading 124: How to Help Your Boys Have a Great School Year

115: The Boy Crisis with Warren Farrell

Your son is not the only one struggling. According to Dr. Warren Farrell — and a slew of research — boys in 63 of the largest developed nations are faring worse than girls. They’re doing worse academically. They’re falling behind in the workplace. And their physical and mental health is failing as well. In his … Continue reading 115: The Boy Crisis with Warren Farrell

112: Potty Talk, Vaping & School (Listener Q&A, Part 1)

When we put out a call for listener questions, you sent us some doozies! In this, our first-ever Listener Q & A (Part 1), we tackle three of your questions: “I just finished listening to the podcast episode with Amy Lang. I know she says we should begin talking to boys about bodies at 5 … Continue reading 112: Potty Talk, Vaping & School (Listener Q&A, Part 1)

111: Self-Esteem and Boys

According to the Oxford Living Dictionaries, self-esteem is “confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect.” That’s something we want for our kids. We’re not talking about participation trophies simply for showing up; we’re talking about a true sense of pride that comes for knowledge of your capabilities. Nurturing that kind of self-confidence is a … Continue reading 111: Self-Esteem and Boys

101: Homework and Boys

Few things cause boys (and their families) as much stress as HOMEWORK. In many cases, homework battles turn into outright power struggles — with no winners. In this episode, Jen & Janet discuss: Why boys struggle with homework The impact of homework on boys’ academic achievement What to do about “meaningless” homework How a “too … Continue reading 101: Homework and Boys