Tag Archives: masculinity

Charlie Capen on Fatherhood and Raising Boys

Humor, says Charlie Capen, is one of the most important tools in parenting. But this actor/musician/writer/dad-of-two-boys isn’t afraid to get serious either. Capen is one of the founders of HowToBeADad.com, which he freely admits uses humor as a way to get guys to talk and think about parenting. A generation ago, there were few — … Continue reading Charlie Capen on Fatherhood and Raising Boys

Steve Biddulph on Raising Boys

Australian author and psychologist Steve Biddulph was one of the first to highlight the unique needs of boys. In the mid-1990s, “Steve went out on a limb to stand up for boys and men in a time when, culturally, the focus was really on girls and women,” Janet says. His books, including The Secrets of … Continue reading Steve Biddulph on Raising Boys

“My Boy Can” Parenting

At age 4, Sassy Harvey’s son was told that if he dances, he must be a girl. Or gay.  Not surprisingly, he quit dance class soon after that. It’s 2019. Girls, we know can become astronauts and scientists and ministers and presidents. But boys who dance are STILL routinely perceived as gay and effeminate. In … Continue reading “My Boy Can” Parenting

Masks We Wear with Ashanti Branch

Our boys often wear metaphorical masks. We all do, in fact. At work, we typically wear our confident, professional faces. At home, we aim for warm, nurturing and competent. But underneath, we may be feeling anger, frustration, sadness or shame. Our “masks” allow us to go about our days and meet our responsibilities without ruffling … Continue reading Masks We Wear with Ashanti Branch

Breaking the Boy Code

The Boy Code. The Man Box. Whatever you want to call it, our boys are constrained by a largely unspoken set of expectations that exert pressure on them to behave and act in certain ways. Jonathon Reed helps boys — and others — understand and question these expectations. His podcast, Breaking the Boy Code, features … Continue reading Breaking the Boy Code

145 Masculinity Goes Viral: The APA Guidelines, Gillette Ad & Boys of Covington High School

By now, you’ve probably seen this picture… …and heard about Gillette’s new ad, The Best Men Can Be Maybe you’ve even heard about the American Psychological Association’s Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men, which some applaud and some condemn. (Two recent headlines: “Toxic Masculinity is Under Attack. And That’s Fine,” from a left-leaning … Continue reading 145 Masculinity Goes Viral: The APA Guidelines, Gillette Ad & Boys of Covington High School

144: You Asked about Age 14, Implicit Bias and Sensitive Boys (Listener Q & A)

  Our listeners ask the big, important questions! When we put out our most recent call for listener questions, we got some heart-felt, thought-provoking, difficult-to-answer questions. Allison asked how to effectively love and support a young teen: We have a 14 year old boy, and I’m on shifting sands. I’m trying to find balance supporting … Continue reading 144: You Asked about Age 14, Implicit Bias and Sensitive Boys (Listener Q & A)

105: Masculinity in the Age of #MeToo

What is masculinity? It’s a question that’s not easy to answer. But it’s an important one for parents and educators of boys to tackle because the primary question for all boys, is “What is it to be a man?” In this episode, Jen & Janet discuss: So-called “toxic masculinity” & the idea that boys are … Continue reading 105: Masculinity in the Age of #MeToo