Tag Archives: emotions

Fully Human with Raising Boys author Steve Biddulph

Steve Biddulph is a legendary parenting educator. He’s the author of  The Secrets of Happy Children, Raising Boys in the 21st Century: How to Help Our Boys Become Open-Hearted, Kind and Strong Men, and The New Manhood, among others. His latest book, Fully Human: A New Way of Using Your Mind, isn’t about child-rearing, though. It’s a … Continue reading Fully Human with Raising Boys author Steve Biddulph

K’Bro App Helps Boys Develop Emotional Resiliency

Can the K’Bro app help boys develop emotional resiliency? Yes, says K’Bro founder Patrina Mack, a mother of a son who was inspired by her son’s school-inflicted emotional challenges. Importantly, she says, K’Bro is a boy-friendly, science-based support system that kids can use independently to cope with life’s challenges. We’ve all heard the stats regarding … Continue reading K’Bro App Helps Boys Develop Emotional Resiliency

Sensitive Boys (w Dr. Sandy Gluckman)

The “man box” doesn’t leave much room for sensitive boys. Society prefers rough-and-tumble boys and men — the strong, stoic types who lift heavy loads and “buck up,” rather than cry, when injured or down. So how do we help our sensitive boys navigate a world that doesn’t value their sensitivity? “Sensitive boys are very, … Continue reading Sensitive Boys (w Dr. Sandy Gluckman)

Best of 2020: ON BOYS Year in Review

The phrase “best of 2020” is a bit laughable.  Using the term “best” to describe a year that’s included a global pandemic, remote schooling and massive disruptions to work and socialization seems almost…inappropriate. And yet, even 2020 had some bright spots. ON BOYS audience continued to grow. Our downloads increased by 207%. (We had nearly … Continue reading Best of 2020: ON BOYS Year in Review

Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need

What words come to mind when you hear the phrase “teenage boys”? Messy? Stinky? Frustrating? Lazy? Moody? Dangerous? Teen boys can be all of those things. (So can teen girls!) But there’s also a lot more beneath the surface, and if we’re to effectively parent and educate our teen boys, we have to go deep. … Continue reading Maggie Dent: What Teenage Boys Really Need

Preparing Boys for the World of Work

One of our most important jobs as parents is preparing our boys for the world of work. The work world, though, has changed dramatically over the last few decades. “There’s been a shift from the competitive dog-eat-dog/rat race to a flatter, faster and fairness-focused world of work,” says Ed Frauenheim, co-author of Reinventing Masculinity: The … Continue reading Preparing Boys for the World of Work

Help Boys Listen & Learn (Listener Q & A)

How do we help boys listen & learn?  In month whatever of the pandemic, we’re all grappling with a lot of tough questions, including what to do about school and injustice and inequality. We can’t give you any easy answers regarding schooling during  the cornonavirus pandemic or the fight for equality and justice. There aren’t … Continue reading Help Boys Listen & Learn (Listener Q & A)

Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo

He couldn’t sleep. Mike’s face stung from the gash and the stitches and a pulsing ache radiated from the back of his skull. His knuckles were shredded, and his arm throbbed under the thick bandages. Whether he closed or opened his eyes — even his EYES hurt — the images were there. Like grainy documentary … Continue reading Wilderness Therapy w Paul Cumbo

Sexual Abuse Affects Boys Too (w Lawrence Cohen)

 1 in 5 boys experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday.  More than one-quarter of male victims of a completed rape (27.8%) experienced their first rape when they were 10 years of age or younger. And 43% of men report experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime.   Today’s guest, psychologist Lawrence … Continue reading Sexual Abuse Affects Boys Too (w Lawrence Cohen)

Parenting Your Adult Children

The phrase “adult children” is an oxymoron: the words adult and children clearly describe very different things, and it’s impossible to be an adult and a child at the same time. Except it’s not. Most of us are adult children; Jen is 47 and a bona fide adult, but she’s also still the child of … Continue reading Parenting Your Adult Children