Category Archives: School Life

Forest Schools Get Boys Learning Naturally

School + nature = forest schools “A forest school is holistic education outdoors in nature,” says Nicki Farrell, co-founder of Wildings Forest School in Queensland, Australia. Learning doesn’t typically follow set curriculum; rather, it’s child-led. Education is individualized and play-based and includes plenty of movement. The kids who struggle the most in traditional schools — … Continue reading Forest Schools Get Boys Learning Naturally

Homeschool Hacks and How to Homeschool Boys (w Linsey Knerl)

How DO you homeschool boys? Trying to recreate school-at-home doesn’t work for most boys — as so many families found out during the pandemic. And placing your life and career on hold while you educate your kids isn’t exactly practical either.  Linsey Knerl, a freelance writer and mother of six (including 5 boys!), says it’s … Continue reading Homeschool Hacks and How to Homeschool Boys (w Linsey Knerl)

Novel Education for Boys

What would happen if we based our education for boys on their interests?  The idea of crafting an education around a student’s interests is a bit novel in today’s world of standardized curriculum and tests. But the concept is sound. As parents (and educators) know, trying to force a child to learn something they don’t … Continue reading Novel Education for Boys

School & Learning in the COVID-19 Era

How’s school going?  That’s a fraught question even when there’s NOT a pandemic going on. Now, it seems almost crazy to ask, given that most of us are dealing w less-than-ideal educational situations.  But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for miserable. If virtual school or online learning isn’t working for you, homeschool may … Continue reading School & Learning in the COVID-19 Era

Back to School 2020

Back to School 2020 will go down in the annals of history. The United States (and world) is still wrestling with the coronavirus pandemic. Schools are slated to “open” — whether virtually or literally or some combination thereof — in a few weeks. Some, in fact, have already opened. There’s so much we don’t yet … Continue reading Back to School 2020

Coaches Speak about Youth Sports

Youth sports are a BIG DEAL.  According to ESPN, 28.7 million American kids between the ages of 6 and 17 played youth sports in 2013. That number is likely low; many kids start well before age 6. Gone are the days when boys started Little League at age 10 or 11. Today, T-ball begins at … Continue reading Coaches Speak about Youth Sports

150 Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

Meet Stay-at-Home Dad, Homeschooling Dad, and Mankind Project participant and advocate, Mark. Dad of Sam, age 8, husband of Corissa, living in Portland, Oregon, Mark retraces his journey as a boy who didn’t feel listened to by his mom and dad, struggling with his identity as a stay-at-home dad, and his striving to be an … Continue reading 150 Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

149: All About E-sports

Competitive video gaming may be coming soon to a school near you. E-sports  (short for “electronic sports”) is a $900 million dollar global industry. In South Korea, top video game players are household names, and matches are televised. Here in the United States, more than 80 colleges and universities, including Kent State and the University … Continue reading 149: All About E-sports

131: Emails & Phone Calls from Teachers

How do you respond to phone calls and emails from teachers about your son’s misbehavior? Excerpts of actual emails I’ve received from my son’s teachers: On Tuesday, Sam was sitting in a chair with his legs on a stool, he was flipping it and turning the stool with his legs and feet. I made eye … Continue reading 131: Emails & Phone Calls from Teachers