118: Business Tips from a 12-Year-Old Entrepreneur

Sam Fink, age 12

Boys can learn a lot by starting and running a business.

Jen’s youngest son, Sam, bought his older brother’s lawn business two years ago, when the older brother moved to Tennessee (where he has since started another lawn care service).

At age 12, Sam has a roster of 18 clients. He cuts and trims lawns and performs most of the necessary maintenance on his machines.

In this very special episode, Sam shares the story of his business, as well as some tips for would-be entrepreneurs and their parents.

This episode is a great one to share with your boys!

In this episode, Jen, Janet & Sam discuss:
  • The value of paid employment
  • How parents can encourage and support boys who are interested in starting a business
  • How to manage risk
  • The entrepreneurial mindset
  • Money management
  • Balancing school, work, and sports
Links we mentioned (or should have) in Episode 118:

Sam’s Lawn Service on Instagram

Episode 117: Summer Jobs

Episode 116: Why Risk is Important for Boys