Tag Archives: screens

Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World with Jordan Shapiro

Janet & Jen had very different reactions to The New Childhood: Raising Children to Thrive in a Connected World, by author and educator Jordan Shapiro. Jen loved it. Janet has some, uh, questions. And concerns. So, we decided to talk to the author. Jordan was happy to talk with us. He’s an assistant professor at … Continue reading Raising Kids to Thrive in a Connected World with Jordan Shapiro

149: All About E-sports

Competitive video gaming may be coming soon to a school near you. E-sports  (short for “electronic sports”) is a $900 million dollar global industry. In South Korea, top video game players are household names, and matches are televised. Here in the United States, more than 80 colleges and universities, including Kent State and the University … Continue reading 149: All About E-sports

137: iGen

  Baby Boomers. Gen X. Millennials. And now, iGen. According to psychology professor Jean Twenge, the members of iGen include the children and young adults born between 1995 and 2012. And what sets these kids apart from previous generations, she says, is their near-constant connection to the Internet. Theirs is a generation shaped by the … Continue reading 137: iGen

132: Risk-Taking Boys with Mom Judi Ketteler

Would you let your 10-year-old son hang out with a bunch of teenagers you haven’t met? Would you let him attempt a double or triple flip in the trampoline in the backyard – or manage his own Instagram account? Writer and mom Judi Ketteler has. In a society that spends so much time telling boys … Continue reading 132: Risk-Taking Boys with Mom Judi Ketteler

124: How to Help Your Boys Have a Great School Year

It’s back to school time!  But despite the smiley faces pictured in many back-to-school ads, the start of a new academic year doesn’t exactly generate feelings of enthusiasm and excitement in many boys (or their parents). For many families, back-to-school time is synonymous with dread, fear and anxiety. In fact, the number of boys who … Continue reading 124: How to Help Your Boys Have a Great School Year

108: Video games and Boys (with special guest Greg Wondra)

Why do boys spend so many hours playing videogames?  And how worried should we be about the hours they spend gaming? To get some answers, we turned to a true expert: Greg Wondra, a former boy & current parent who also happens to be video game designer who worked on the MLB 2K series, Wizard 101, Lost … Continue reading 108: Video games and Boys (with special guest Greg Wondra)

107: Video Game Design – A Career for Boys

Can your video game-loving boy turn his passion into a career? Perhaps, says our special guest, Greg Wondra. Greg is a veteran game designer who worked on the MLB 2K series, Wizard 101, Lost Planet 3, and Monkeyquest, and currently teaches video game design to high school students at Kern County Regional Occupational Center in California. … Continue reading 107: Video Game Design – A Career for Boys

106: Screens and Boys

How many hours per week do your boys spend in front of a screen? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children ages 6-10 now spend 6 hours per day using screens as entertainment. That figure doesn’t count time spent learning via screens at school, or videochatting with grandma and grandpa. In this … Continue reading 106: Screens and Boys