Tag Archives: school

How Microschools and Black Moms May End the School to Prison Pipeline

When they realized that schools wouldn’t change quickly enough to meet their kids’ needs, members of the Black Mothers Forum opened microschools, with an eye toward ending the school to prison pipeline. Existing school leaders and educators “really did not understand how to create a safe and supportive learning environment for our Black children,” say … Continue reading How Microschools and Black Moms May End the School to Prison Pipeline

Four Years of ON BOYS

Four years of ON BOYS podcast! 214 episodes, more than 900,000 downloads, and countless deep, moving moments. We’ve talked about vaping, sex, boys & body image, consent, connection, and misconceptions about boys. We wrestle with gender stereotypes, education, and the real-life struggles of living with boys. Janet and Jen collectively devote up to 10 hours … Continue reading Four Years of ON BOYS

Empowering Boys w Laurie A. Couture

Empowering boys is one powerful way to address the boy crisis. Some people — often, people who don’t have or work with boys — wonder why boys need to be empowered. After all, they say, men still control most businesses and countries. But boys struggle in the classroom and in our communities. “Dangerous double standards” … Continue reading Empowering Boys w Laurie A. Couture

The Tyler Merritt Project on Helping Boys Survive Mistakes

Before he started The Tyler Merritt Project or created his viral video, Before You Call the Cops, Tyler Merritt was a confused, young black boy trying to make sense of all the expectations and stereotypes swirling around him. “I wish somebody had really sat down with me as a young person and simply said, ‘Hey, … Continue reading The Tyler Merritt Project on Helping Boys Survive Mistakes

Troubled Boys (w Kenneth R. Rosen)

What do you with troubled boys? With boys who are failing school, sneaking off, and using substances? Boys who have resisted disciplinary efforts and redirection? That’s the question at the heart of Kenneth R. Rosen’s latest book, Troubled: The Failed Promise of America’s Behavioral Treatment Programs. There are no easy answers to that question but … Continue reading Troubled Boys (w Kenneth R. Rosen)

Forest Schools Get Boys Learning Naturally

School + nature = forest schools “A forest school is holistic education outdoors in nature,” says Nicki Farrell, co-founder of Wildings Forest School in Queensland, Australia. Learning doesn’t typically follow set curriculum; rather, it’s child-led. Education is individualized and play-based and includes plenty of movement. The kids who struggle the most in traditional schools — … Continue reading Forest Schools Get Boys Learning Naturally

Seth Perler Explains Executive Function

Does your son have a problem with executive function? Let’s put it another way…. Does he struggle with homework, procrastination, time management, or lack of motivation? Does he have ADHD? If so, he probably needs help developing his executive functioning. “If you want to help a kid who is struggling with homework, grades, procrastination, under … Continue reading Seth Perler Explains Executive Function

Novel Education for Boys

What would happen if we based our education for boys on their interests?  The idea of crafting an education around a student’s interests is a bit novel in today’s world of standardized curriculum and tests. But the concept is sound. As parents (and educators) know, trying to force a child to learn something they don’t … Continue reading Novel Education for Boys

School & Learning in the COVID-19 Era

How’s school going?  That’s a fraught question even when there’s NOT a pandemic going on. Now, it seems almost crazy to ask, given that most of us are dealing w less-than-ideal educational situations.  But that doesn’t mean you have to settle for miserable. If virtual school or online learning isn’t working for you, homeschool may … Continue reading School & Learning in the COVID-19 Era

Listener Q & A – Parenting Teen Boys

Parenting teen boys is not easy. They’re bigger than us. Stronger than us. They speak in a language we don’t necessarily understand — if they choose to speak at all. Their focus is turning outward, just as we parents realize how little time we have left to teach them all the things they need to … Continue reading Listener Q & A – Parenting Teen Boys