Hi! I’m Jennifer L.W. Fink, co-host of On Boys.
I’m a freelance journalist who regularly writes about boys for national outlets, including U.S. News and World Report, The Washington Post, FOX News, Parents, Parade and Scholastic Teacher. I’ve interviewed and worked with some of the worlds’ top “boy experts,” including Michael Gurian, Leonard Sax, Rosalind Wiseman (author of Masterminds & Wingmen) and Kelley King (author of Writing the Playbook: A Practitioner’s Guide to Creating a Boy-Friendly School).I’m really good at researching, connecting with people and distilling complex thoughts and ideas into easily understandable info, but that’s not my primary qualification for this gig.
This is a picture of Professional Jen.
I’m also a mom of four — yep: four — boys. I’ve survived potty training, sword fights, homework battles and divorce I’ve homeschooled and shepherded boys through both public and private school, and have come to accept the fact that most teenage boys will wear little more than a sweatshirt in the dead of winter. My boys have taught me a lot about life and learning, and they inspire and challenge me on a daily basis. Two decades into parenting boys, I still routinely stumble into situations in which I have no idea exactly what to do. I’m in the parenting trenches, right alongside you.

I founded BuildingBoys.net in 2013 as a resource for parents and teachers of boys; since then, it’s grown into a world-wide community of people who love and care for boys. You can join us — just enter your email address in the Join the Conversation box at BuildingBoys. I strongly encourage you to check out our private Facebook group too. It’s a great place to ask questions, get ideas and find support from others who get raising boys.