Category Archives: Guests

Managing Screen Time During the Pandemic

How are you managing screen time during the pandemic?  According to at least one survey, kids’ time online has more than doubled since the pandemic began, and many kids now spend more than 6 hours per day online, in front of screens. And no wonder — screens are now our portal to school, work, socialization … Continue reading Managing Screen Time During the Pandemic

Preparing Boys for the World of Work

One of our most important jobs as parents is preparing our boys for the world of work. The work world, though, has changed dramatically over the last few decades. “There’s been a shift from the competitive dog-eat-dog/rat race to a flatter, faster and fairness-focused world of work,” says Ed Frauenheim, co-author of Reinventing Masculinity: The … Continue reading Preparing Boys for the World of Work

Teach Boys Money Management

How do you teach boys money management? 34% of American teenagers don’t have bank accounts and rely predominantly on cash, according to a 2019 Junior Achievement USA survey. In fact, 1 in 5 teens have never been into a physical bank and nearly a third of teens surveyed don’t have a bank account.  Like many … Continue reading Teach Boys Money Management

Parenting Outside the Lines with Meghan Leahy

Parenting outside the lines frees us up to connect with our children in an authentic way. It allows us to skip over the “must do’s” and simply, instead, do the next right thing in any given moment. And if the “right thing” ultimately takes us a direction we don’t want to go, it gives us … Continue reading Parenting Outside the Lines with Meghan Leahy

Boys & Grandparents

Are your boys close to their grandparents?  Not physically close — physical distance is often more a matter of necessity or practicality than choice — but emotionally close. Studies have found that close grandparent/grandchildren relationships protect against depression in both groups, and at least one study out of England found that kids who are close … Continue reading Boys & Grandparents

It’s a Confusing Time to Be a Boy

This is a really confusing time to be a boy in the United States. That’s one of (the many!) insights Ryan Wexelblatt — aka ADHD Dude — gained while working with 14 and 15 year old boys during his ADHD Dude Summer Camp this year. In a Facebook post, he wrote: These guys see their … Continue reading It’s a Confusing Time to Be a Boy

Raising Boys to be Good Men

We all want to raise good men. But how? It’s one thing to WANT To raise good men, and another to figure out what that means on a daily basis. Exactly HOW do we raise good men? Aaron Gouveia is the author of Raising Boys to be Good Men: A Parent’s Guide to Bringing Up … Continue reading Raising Boys to be Good Men

My Boy Can with Sassy Harvey

Sassy Harvey believes “my boy can.” The mother of a young son who loves dance, Barbie and princesses. Sassy started a social movement after her then 4-year-old son quit dance because he’d been told that only girls and gay people dance. Now, My Boy Can is supporting boys and their parents as they challenge gender … Continue reading My Boy Can with Sassy Harvey

How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Can a book club help boys enjoy reading?  Yes, says Erin O’Donnell, a mom of two boys and author of How to Start a Kids Book Club. She and a bunch of other moms started a mother/son book club when their sons were in 3rd grade, on the cusp of the transition from learning to … Continue reading How (& Why) to Start a Boys’ Book Club

Parenting Teenage Boys w Joshua Wayne

Parenting teenage boys is HARD.  Their brains aren’t yet fully mature yet they’re bigger and stronger than most parents. They have more energy than their parents — and when they are bound and determined to do what they want to do (regardless of what you or anyone else says), the energy can seem more like … Continue reading Parenting Teenage Boys w Joshua Wayne